How to get China Liaison Office Registration & Representative Office Registration in China ?
What does Liaison Office/Representative Office (RO) mean?
Liaison Office (also known as Representative Office) can undertake only liaison activities. If you want to save cost for future, do not need it to collect income from China, then liaison office/representative office is your best choice.
What a Liaison office/Representative Office (RO) can do?
The main purpose of starting a liaison office is to explore possible business opportunities in China by collecting relevant business information, meet clients or provide them solutions, or purchasing support service.
What a Liaison office/Representative Office (RO) cannot do?
Liaison office/Representative Office (RO) isn’t a separate legal entity, and it cannot carry out direct revenue earning business activities, for example, it cannot make purchase/sales contracts and cannot receive payment for products or services, cannot generate invoices or repatriate money overseas.
Representative Office registration in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities of China, please check below information for details:
What does it require for representative office and liaison office?
1. Application form signed by the director of parent company with its registered name, address, purpose of the liaison office and representative office, chief representative and so on.
2. Original hard copy of parent company COI/ BUSINESS LICENSE or legalized copy.
3. Bank reference letter.
4. Appointment letter for chief representative letter.
5. The ID copy of chief representative, CV and photos.
6. Proof of address, such as lease agreement, the proof letter from management office.
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Keywords – China Liaison Office, Representative Office Registration in China, liaison office means, liaison office in china, liaison office registration in china, best consultants for China Liaison Office, Representative Office Registration in China